Monday, May 26, 2014

Pretty planes adorn plain city walls of Bangalore

 Pretty planes adorn plain city walls of Bangalore

Want to see colourful murals or wall paintings of different kind depicting helicopters or fighter planes? You have them all nicely painted on the walls of HAL’s Senior Officers’ Enclave on Old Madras Road.

“These paintings are bewitching to the eyes and drivers on the busy road need to be careful. This is an art of different kind and should especially appeal to children,” says Rajashree Sonnad who stopped on her way to describe the pictures to her little one who she says is fond of planes.

The project is the brainchild of HAL.
“Our aim has been to induce some life on these mundane walls and give them a colourful look. Now, we realise how pleasing the whole exercise has turned out to be as people strolling or even driving on the road take a look at it,” says Dr R K Tyagi, Chairman, HAL.

The theme of showing the company products was deliberate as the wall encircles the enclave housing HAL’s senior officers.

“By making the walls look vibrant we are sending the positive message that we care for the beautification of city.

This also educates passerby as to what HAL stands for, its products and services.

These paintings also show the company’s heritage in a small way”, adds Dr Tyagi.

Another advantage of painting these walls is they remain clean as very few would think of defacing or sticking posters on the painted walls.

The idea seemed to have been welcomed not just by the people around but even by some senior executives of the company who took time off from their work and dabbled in the painting work with the help of the artists.

The plan was put into place three months ago.

The job of painting the 1300 sq ft wall was assigned to the artists Manohar R and Murugan R and their team of artists, who have executed similar work elsewhere in the city.

“It takes around three days to complete one picture as it involves sketching the picture in square boxes, placing it on the wall with proportionate scales and then applying the paint”, says Manohar.

According to the main artist Sivanandan, the durability of work should last at least two years although it would depend on the quality of the wall also. He is ably supported by two other artists Gurumurthy and Sekar.

He dismisses the notion that rain or extreme sunlight would affect these pictures.

“Everything has a life but it is our experience that this kind of work lasts longer than what people imagine, as we use special enamel and water-proof paints,” he says with confidence.

These two artists have made road-side footpaths their canvas to complete the work. “Our greatest satisfaction is when our work gets appreciated”, says Sivanandan.

Hundreds of commuters who take Old Madras road every day have made these artistes happy with their curious and appreciative glances over these creations.

Artist's impression of Sukhoi (Fighter plane)

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Mango Mania: Is Europe Sacrificing King of Fruits for Salads?

The tales of legendary Mughal king Akbar’s love for mangoes are well known. The king of fruits is in news for good and bad reasons as its export from India to the European Union (EU) is now banned ostensibly to protect European cucumbers from getting infected from possible fruit flies. The EU - UK in particular - is wary of potential damage that could be caused by new unidentified pests. They imagine that the “flies” would infect the “salad” crop in the region. It is a case of sacrificing the “King of Fruits” for salads based on a case of alleged pests found in a few mango consignments from India in 2013. However, it is good news for millions in India for whom the much liked Hafus as it is lovingly called in Maharashtra (Alphanso elsewhere) will be available at reasonable prices. The fruit has been too costly for last many years and had virtually disappeared from the common man’s basket. 

 The Alphanso economy is worth Rs. 1000 crore every year. India is the largest exporter of mangoes in the world. The sweet, yellow-red (when it is ripe) beautiful fruit is grown in the Konkan region of Maharashtra and Goa. In UK alone its market share stands at staggering six million pounds. The Middle East - UAE and Saud Arabia being the largest consumers - has at least 10 times more demand. 

A look at the export market at HALCON storage center at Nashik, about 180 km from Mumbai where mangoes were sorted and packed for export does not give any impression of export quality being compromised. HALCON is 50:50 joint working group set up by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) and the Container Corporation of India. The ground-handling is managed by professionals. Right from the moment the fruits arrive, every care is taken. “They are certified by the qualified agriculture experts and at the slightest doubt the entire block is rejected and diverted to the mandi (fruit and vegetable market) in Mumbai. We have a cold storage facilities as well”, says a supervisor pointing out at workers around him busy in sorting and packing work. Moreover, there is no delay in exporting the consignment as HALCON facility is right across the Nashik airport and Mumbai terminal is not too far. The fruits are available in the UK or the Middle East market very next day. 

Workers sorting out unripe mangoes at export house HALCON in Nashik, Maharashtra.

Has Europe over reacted? Indian mangoes have been exported to UK and surrounding places for centuries. They were shipped through sea route in olden days. No one ever complained of fruit flies till last year. Is it typical European knee-jerk reaction, a fall out of post 2008 crisis? Whatever the reasons, more than farmers in India, it is the traders who seem to be jolted by the ban. These middle men have made mullah from mangoes for centuries. In the normal times it costs around Rs. 100 for a single fruit in the domestic market, thanks to the unscrupulous traders. As far as common man is concerned he can now afford the fruit he always craved for. But he needs to rush, who knows, the ban could be lifted any time given the export lobby and craze for the fruit that might be intact in Europe and the Middle East. Moreover, traditionally Alphansos are considered good till the beginning of June, before the rains arrive in Konkan! 

Sorted mangoes getting further treatment at a chamber at export house, HALCON, in Nashik, Maharashtra.